“Any moment you spend attacking yourself is a moment away from your higher purpose and your power to love. Don’t go there.” ~Martha Beck
All human beings have an inner dialogue – conversations that we have with ourselves about our day, our appearance, achievements, relationships, finances, goals and dreams.
(It’s that little voice in your head that right now may be saying “What inner dialogue? I don’t have an inner dialogue.”)
Depending on the conversations you have with yourself, your inner dialogue can be what empowers you on to achieve big wins in your personal life, career or business…
Or, you’re extremely self critical, it can block you from getting where you want to go.
The fact is, your inner dialogue is often programmed by forces outside of you – from messages you absorb from your friends, families, the media and society without even realizing it – messages telling you that you need to do more, be more, strive more.
Instead of letting your inner dialogue run unconsciously, try tuning in and getting present to the conversations that you are having with yourself, in particular around money and success!
Journaling, even if it’s just jotting down a few notes, is a great way to do this.
Is your inner dialogue unrelentingly critical? Or does it give you the same encouragement that a best friend would?
If you realize your inner dialogue is mostly disempowering, here’s a simple trick to re-programming it to support you in your goals instead of getting in your way…
Consider writing up a simple one, two or three line mantra to say to yourself anytime you get present to that critical inner voice.
If you notice that you have a persistent negative conversation about money for example, a great mantra to say to yourself often would be: “I am worthy of abundance.”
Whatever you choose, say your mantra regularly and you’ll soon manifest greater results and satisfaction in your business and personal life.
You can do it!
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