Simple lessons that save you time, money and headaches while growing your online business.
How to Instantly Look More Natural On Camera!
In this video, I share with you a huge mistake people make on camera that make them look unnatural, and seem untrustworthy.
Use To Get Great Images For Your Business!
This Simple Photo “Rule” Can Save You Time! And help you get needed Resources for your Business. (without spending money on a designer) The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so that you have 9 parts. Some people say that when the [...]
Use Your Earbuds as a Camera Remote!
Watch this short video to learn the Cool Trick I Learned From a Millennial At The Gym... She was in the changing room taking photos of herself and I was intrigued for several reasons. But Mainly, how she seemed to be using her Earbuds to control the phone's camera which allowed her to get better distance [...]
How to Move from Fear to Flow
In this Video I share my favorite 4 ways to find Confidence when I'm feeling Nervous. These techniques have helped me move from Fear To Flow and from Awkward to Aligned.
Be 100% Full Of Yourself!
Do you ever let worrying about what other people may think of you hold you back from taking an action? Or worry that if you show up fully, people may think you’re being boastful or showing off? In the video, I share how I deal with these Negative Nellies... (the ones in my life and the ones [...]
Confidence vs Fear Of Failure
Confidence vs Fear Of Failure Confidence vs Fear Of Failure... which may be holding you back from taking your business to the next level. As a business owner, or mom, or “coach”... you’re often expected to be almost superhuman to those around you. And you usually rise to the occasion because that’s just who you are 🙂 BUT sometimes, you [...]
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